Accounting Clients For Sale, Accounting Practice For Sale, Accounting Block Of Fees For Sale, Accounting Firm In Swaziland For Sale
Accounting Clients For Sale In Mbabane
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Business For Sale


Accounting Practice For SaleThis firm was established in 2013.  It is owner run and staffed with 38 regular clients serviced by this firm.  This is a great opportunity for someone already in Swaziland to expand or for someone to establish themselves in Swaziland.  Seller is emigrating to Europe but will be available to do a smooth handover.  The ideal buyer will also be a golfer.  There are audit opportunities within the current practice to grow



  Selling Price     825,000   Turn Over Per Month     69,128
  Stock Included   Profit Per Month 54,378
  Assets Included 0   R.O.I %  79%
  Total Price  825,000    

 History and Overview Of The Business
Fully describe the business's activities  Accounting and Tax practice – services include payroll, statutory, consulting, client staff support.
When was the business established?  2013
How long has the owner had the business?  Owner started the firm
 How Does The Business Operate
How does the business operate on a daily basis The key is maintaining reporting timelines for the customers. The day to day activities will involve fulfilling service level requirements, clients queries and tax queries by revenue authorities.
How are the clients attracted to the business? Word of mouth since inception, they do not advertise and they work with business partners who also recommend clients to them
What Advertising/Marketing is carried out? Word Of Mouth
Does the business have any contract work?  They have service level agreements in place with some clients, so some are in writing and others verbal. Small community
What competition exists? Normal competition for the industry.  Although there are other accountants etc. there is a shortage of skill and expertise. The majority of accountants there fulfil auditing function roles as auditors
Seasonal Trends? Financial year ends to run from July to June each year, most financial reporting happens between September and December each year.
 Financial Information
Vat Registered?  VAT, note Swaziland.  Vat returns available and on file
Vat Documentation on File?  Yes
Management Accounts?  Yes
Audited Financials?  N/A
What as Cash/Credit Split?  Credit
Debtors Book Age Analisys  Most of clients up to date
How can you improve the profitability? The growth of clients, note that the only real high cost is the rental which comes to an end by 31 January 2020, which they currently split with their other business they selling as well.
 Is Seller Finance available and if so what is it? Yes, in line with selling accounting practices the seller will accept a 50% cash payment and subject to a proper hand over and turnover warranty the balance over a 12 month period to an APPROVED buyer.  A structured deal will thus be considered.
   Staffing Of the Business
What is the total number of Staff?

 Owner and there are three staff. There is two admin staff one who does the running around to revenue authorities, commerce, etc and one office bound to deal with any queries, messages, phone calls and a junior bookkeeper who is being trained to fulfil some functions only.
Staff Special Perks and Bonuses?  Standard benefits as per legislation
Are the staff on Contract?  No
Does any of the staff have management potential?  No
How involved is the Owner in running the business?  The owner is actively involved and meets with clients on a regular basis
  Premises Of the Business
When Does the Current Lease ends?  The current lease end 31 Jan 2020
Is there an option to renew?  Yes your choice
What is the annual escalation %  6%
What are the Trading Hours? Office Hours
What is the square meters?  75m2 currently
Is a copy of the lease available?  Yes, on file
Do You require a license? Yes, a professional body, and a company trading licence, renewed yearly
 Assets Of The Business
Full Asset List available? You are buying the Clients & Going Concern.  There is a full list of assets
 Anything not included in the sale?  No

 What is condition of the assets  Good
 Any Assets on Lease/HP that Buyer needs to take over?  N/A
 Are they insured at the moment?  No, replacement Value is Minimal
  SWOT Of The Business
 STRENGHTS Well Established since 2013
Tax centric practice and planning for clients, limited expertise available there beside auditors, they are more SME focused practice
 WEAKNESSES  More resource needed to unlock more value


Auditing skills will bring growth

  Value Added Services to existing clients
 THREATS  None Perceived
Why is this a good business Swaziland (Eswatini) is a small and overlooked market, this is the reason the business was set up there, over 7 years ago they knew that they would be able to add value in the SME space. This practice has proved this. The people are great, the country lifestyle is great and relaxed. The tax legislation is based on SA legislation with a few variations.  Ideal for your own Swaziland start or expansion or add-on.
Why is the owner selling it? The owner is retiring have been practising for a long time, emigrating to the UK at the end of 2019

Accounting Clients For Sale, Accounting Practice For Sale,
 Accounting Block Of Fees For Sale, Swaziland Accounting Firm For Sale
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